mmmhhh...uh...hello there..

I really am wondering about all this blogging stuff...I mean is this a path I really want to go down?  Spilling my guts all over the internet. Does anyone care? What will I write about? But here's the thing, I'm in this world and it's kind of hypocritical of me not to at least experience this - especially when clients are asking me what to do with their blogs. Crazy eh?

So as I set off on my upcoming trip to Spain with 'Super G' (not his real name), I thought, 'well, what the hey! let's give it a shot!'

A few years back, some of my friends gave me the name of 'pique-nique planner' on a trip to France.  It kind of stuck and really does sum me up, always planning my next meal, usually in an idyllic setting.  So now you know where the name comes from, you  can expect some culinary adventures and a glass or two of wine.