La Pedrera


We are leaving for Barcelona this morning so I'm up early - 7:30. The streets are quiet, so I wander around a bit and take a few pics of the Pedrera, or as it is also known, Casa Millá.  It opens at 9 so I decide to change my initial plan of bocadillo de jamón and slip in early before the people hit. What a treat!  Super G and I were the only ones on the Terrace in the morning sun. Every minute since I've been here, it appeared to be thronged with people.


I don't know a lot about Gaudí, so I'm not going to comment architecturally, other to say that I like what he did and it's clear to me that he brought nature into everything which his organic shapes.  The building is incredible.  5 families actually LIVE here. On the tour, you see the Attic, (my favourite part I think), the terrace and 1 apartment suite (where no-one lives).  It's so much better than seeing a social history exhibit in a museum. You can walk right up to the windows and look at Passeig de Gracia - you really can get the experience of what it might have been to have lived here.


This was something I didn't expect I'd have time for so I'm feeling delighted to have seen it and enjoyed it so much!
