It's Fall and I Love It

It's fall. It's wet. It's cold. The colours of the sky and the leaves are a perfect colour palette. It fits my mood. It reminds me how connected we are to nature and the weather.

All I seem to want to eat are yummy, cozy, comforting things like Ricardo's Chicken Pot PieLots of rainy days also seem to have turned me into something of a pie obsessive where I'm happy to stay inside happily making and rolling pastry. This particular recipe worked great for me. It was easy to make and the pastry is delicious. Comes together really easy and puffs up in a really lovely way. I hadn't really planned to blog about this but the colours in these images seemed to jive together so nicely I thought it made for a nice photo essay on my mood. What's your favourite thing to eat when the weather's like this?