A Food Blogger's Dream Opportunity

Recently one of my favourite food photographers, Penny De Los Santos, of Saveur and National Geographic Fame, agreed to give a free food photography workshop through CreativeLive. You can sign up on the CreativeLive Website. The workshop is free for those who watch live online on the weekend of May 13 to 15.  As an added bonus, Penny offered a chance for some lucky people to attend on the day with her in Seattle as part of the live audience by submitting a video audition. Penny, this is truly a gift of your great talent and just to get a chance to do this is an honour. But seriously, please pick me.

Here is my video:


I'm hoping that Penny will see the story of my vision through the bad editing (nothing like a challenge to give me a crash course in Garage Band  and iMovie!) But for a first effort using these tools, I'm pretty happy.

For more information on Penny De Los Santos and to witness the beauty of her talent,  visit her website.